This Monday I got to participate in one of the most amazing events anyone can be a part of! A birth! As soon as I found out that "Birth Photography" was a thing, I knew I needed to do one! There are few moments in life as special as birth and I wanted to be able to capture it for someone.
I knew someone where I worked that was pregnant with her third child. I nervously asked her if this is something she would be interested in doing and after she spoke with her husband, she said YES!
This was by far the best case scenario...amazing family, fine with this being my first time, and welcoming.
I got the text message at 11:22am on Tuesday the 11th. Her water broke and she was going to the hospital! One problem...I was at work! I went at 2:00 to take some pictures and check on mama. She was all smiles as was her husband. I had to be back to work at 3:00 which was fine because I was off at 5:00 and mom could tell nothing was going to happen by then
When I got back at 5:05, mom's contractions were a little bit stronger and her mother and brother-in-law as well as her best friend were there keeping her company. The way her mother watched her, you would think it was her first child. Everyone continued to be in good was a neat environment to be in. Grandma telling stories, dad watching the contractions...
Things continued to get a little more serious but mom kept her happy face on in between contractions. She also did not sacrifice her social life ;)
Smiling through a contraction!?!?
As the pitocin kicked in, the contractions got stronger. Mom opted for a natural birth so she started feeling it! I watched as Grandma's worry set in. It was amazing how Dad's love for his wife was so apparent as he naturally knew what she needed and comforted her.
Soon, the nurse came in and told us we would likely meet baby Kamea within the next hour. and prepped mom on the next steps. Energy coursed through the room...nerves and excitement!
Mom powered through the last of her contractions and pushed like a champ. No screaming, no swearing, no crying...she was amazing. She made me proud to be a woman. The look on her face when she met her baby was priceless.
Welcome to this world baby Kamea! You were born into a lovely, warm, smart, faithful family. You will be loved and taken care of. You are a lucky girl!